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    Musings On Grief

    Grief. It’s an insidious beast. It lurks, quietly hiding in the depths of your consciousness, seemingly dormant, and then strikes out when you least expect it. I don’t think anyone ever really knows how they will respond to loss, and the grief it spawns, until they are faced with it. I know I didn’t. I’ve suffered loss before. Grandparents…friends…an early miscarriage…an aunt…pets…I thought I understood how difficult it can be. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I never truly “got” the dark depths that grief can drag one to until I lost my mom unexpectedly in 2018. When Mama first passed, I lived in a fog. I continued pushing through because my…

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    Be Alert…Scammers are Everywhere!

                                                           Literally how my face has looked all day.    Hey y’all!  So, I know it’s been a couple of months. I’m still working on figuring out a workable writing and posting schedule. Littlebit is back in school which gives me a lot more time, but I haven’t been so great about managing it. Oops. That said, I felt compelled to write a post about something that happened yesterday. It’s incredibly embarrassing and I feel like an absolute idiot, but I feel like it’s…

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