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    Musings On Grief

    Grief. It’s an insidious beast. It lurks, quietly hiding in the depths of your consciousness, seemingly dormant, and then strikes out when you least expect it. I don’t think anyone ever really knows how they will respond to loss, and the grief it spawns, until they are faced with it. I know I didn’t. I’ve suffered loss before. Grandparents…friends…an early miscarriage…an aunt…pets…I thought I understood how difficult it can be. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I never truly “got” the dark depths that grief can drag one to until I lost my mom unexpectedly in 2018. When Mama first passed, I lived in a fog. I continued pushing through because my…

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    Be Alert…Scammers are Everywhere!

                                                           Literally how my face has looked all day.    Hey y’all!  So, I know it’s been a couple of months. I’m still working on figuring out a workable writing and posting schedule. Littlebit is back in school which gives me a lot more time, but I haven’t been so great about managing it. Oops. That said, I felt compelled to write a post about something that happened yesterday. It’s incredibly embarrassing and I feel like an absolute idiot, but I feel like it’s…

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    Intuition & the Patient

    Have you ever had an intuitive thought or gut feeling that you ignored? Yeah? And how did that work out for you? If you’re anything like me, ignoring your intuition is never a good thing. I’ve always been sensitive to what my intuition is telling me. I think that comes from being the daughter of a LEO. My dad always encouraged me to listen to my gut. To trust it and myself. And for the most part, I do. If I’m in a situation and I get a prickle of “knowing,” I tend to remove myself from that situation post haste. Years of trial and error have taught me that…

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    Welcome Back Friends!

    Hey y’all! Over the past several years I have tried, numerous times, to get this blog up and running. I’ve published and deleted. I’ve held on to this domain and restarted it from the ground up twice. But, somehow…somehow it always fizzles back out. It’s not for lack of desire. I have so many things I’d like to share and write about but that’s part of the problem. I have so many things to share! It’s like the eclectic writer’s version of analysis paralysis. Where do I start? What should I say? How do I narrow my focus? Is anyone even going to be interested? Why should any of you…

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    It’s Finally Fall, Y’all!

    Sort of. I mean, according to the calendar it is, but I live in Florida where it’s currently 92 degrees outside. Even with this being my reality, I will not allow my love of the season to be thwarted. I may melt as soon as I walk out the door, but inside there are pumpkins, scarecrows, and sunflowers everywhere and it smells like cinnamon spice! This has always been my favorite time of year, even as a little girl…though it probably didn’t hurt that my birthday immediately precedes it! Summer is great and I love the beach (in theory), but there’s just something in my soul that stirs when fall…

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